In this section:
- Green Gym
- My Wild Child
- Schools
- Walking for Health on the Slopes.
- Pipeline Walk
- Hedgerow Harvest
- Other things to do in the area
Our Slopes are great for:
- Exercising – including walking, dog walking and running
- Exploring, playing or just relaxing
- Having a picnic
- Admiring stunning views over Bristol – especially at Stockwood Crescent, St Barnabas Church, Clover Court and the Novers
- Joining in activities to help manage the site for people and wildlife
- Cycling
- Foraging for blackberries and other wild fruits and berries
- Discovering wildlife
- Spotting hot air balloons – especially at Balloon Fiesta time in August
- Seeing Firework Displays in Central Bristol
- Sledging in snowy winters – on the Bommie and Glyn Vale
Green Gym
Green Gym helps you become physically and mentally healthier by taking part in nature conservation activities on the Slopes. Green Gym work on tasks such as vegetation clearance, litter picking, improving paths – and there’s chance to meet people during the tea break. All are welcome to come along.
Every Thursday between 10am and 12:30pm. Please meet at the entrance gate to the Bommie next to 105 Wedmore Vale. For more information contact us on enquiries@northern-slopes-initiative.co.uk or Julia on 07932 368172.
My Wild Child
Avon Wildlife Trust are providing for pre-school children during term time, fun outdoor games and activities including: wildlife conservation activities, wild-art, mini-beast quests, wild songs and stories and much more!

Each session combines a structured, nature-focused task followed by child-led free play. Sessions are aimed at toddlers aged 2 to 4.
Younger siblings are welcome. Parents must supervise their children at all times.
Turn up dressed for the weather, with a few snacks! A rug to sit on would also be useful.
Every Wednesday during school term time from 10am to 11.30am. Meet at the entrance to the Slopes next to 105 Wedmore Vale (the Bommie).
For further information go to http://www.avonwildlifetrust.org.uk/mywildchild
This activity is sponsored by the People’s Postcode Lottery.
A number of Schools and youth groups visit the Slopes to allow children to learn about nature.
Walking for Health on the Slopes
Walking for Health walks are free taking place over the Northern Slopes, local areas and further afield. The group meet every Monday at The Park on Daventry Road at 10am (9:50 for new walkers).
For more information contact: Julia 07932 368172 or Jim 07926 889379
Pipeline Walk
In the 12th century when Bristol was a bustling, medieval port, the Lord of the Manor of Bedminster, Sir Robert de Berkeley, gave his well in Knowle to the parish of St Mary Redcliffe so that it could provide its first supply of clean, fresh water.
The water pipe starts at a fresh water spring in allotments near the Northern Slopes.
Every year in October, St Mary Redcliffe walk the ‘Pipe Walk’ to inspect the historic water course, traveling through Victoria Park where this is a water maze, built by Wessex Water in 1984. The final outfall is by the southwest gate to the churchyard of St Mary Redcliffe Church.
For further information http://www.stmaryredcliffe.co.uk/pipe-walk.html
Hedgerow Harvest
Enjoy the hedgerow harvest of blackberries, sloes, damsons and apples in the Autumn.
Other things to do in the area
There are lots of other things to do in our area, here are a few:
The Park Centre – opposite St Barnabas Church
Knowle West Media Centre
Filwood Community Centre
Windmill Hill City Farm
Knowle West Health Park
Bramble Farm – on the Bommie
Springfield, Wedmore Vale and Redcatch East Allotments – next to the Bommie and Glyn Vale sites